Incorporating behaviour into infectious disease models: Challenges and questions
Invited talk, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) HPRU in emerging and zoonotic infections: Wrap-up/launch meeting, Spaces at The Spine, Liverpool, UK.
Invited talk, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) HPRU in emerging and zoonotic infections: Wrap-up/launch meeting, Spaces at The Spine, Liverpool, UK.
Invited talk, UK epidemic analytics and modelling workshop, 30 Euston Square, London, UK
Invited talk, Lancaster Epidemics Seminar Series, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Lancaster, UK
Invited talk, Workshop on Infectious Disease Modelling with Human Behaviour, COVID crisis lab and Dondena centre, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy.
Invited talk, Mathematical Biology and Ecology seminar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK
Invited talk, Newton Gateway to Mathematics - 10th Anniversary, Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
Invited talk, North West Seminar of Mathematical Biology and Data Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK
Invited talk, Computer Science departmental seminar, University of Exeter, UK
Invited talk, JUNIPER Research Meeting March 2023, University of Warwick, UK
Invited talk, Workshop on Recent Challenges in Mathematical Epidemiology, University of Nottingham, UK
Invited talk, Modelling to Support Resilience for Pandemics - Open Questions, Møller Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
Invited talk, JUNIPER Research Meeting May 2021, Online
Invited talk, NIHR Statistics Group: Applied Statisticians as Principal Investigators Webinar, Online conference
Invited talk, Infections@BDI seminar, The Big Data Institute (BDI), Oxford, UK
Invited talk, Mathematical Biology for Understanding Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Human-Animal-Environment Interface: A 'One Health' Approach, Banff International Research Station, Alberta, Canada
Summer school, Linnasmäki Congress Centre, Turku, Finland
Contributed talk, EuFMD Open Session 2024, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Contributed talk, ECMTB 2024 (13th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain.
Contributed talk, KSMB-SMB 2024 (Joint Annual Meeting Korean Society for Mathematical Biology & Society for Mathematical Biology 2024), KonKuk University, Seoul, South Korea
Contributed talk, British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC) 2024, Newcastle, UK
Contributed talk, IDDconf 2023: A Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics, Ambleside, Cumbria, UK
Contributed talk, EuFMD Open Session 2022, Marseille, France
Contributed talk, ECMTB 2022: 12th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology / SMB 2022: 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society of Mathematical Biology, Heidelberg, Germany
Contributed talk, Modelling the COVID-19 pandemic: achievements and lessons, The Royal Society, London, UK
Contributed talk, Epidemics8 - Eighth International Conference on Infectious Disease, Online conference
Contributed talk, SMB 2021: 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society of Mathematical Biology, Online conference
Contributed talk, eSMB 2020: 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society of Mathematical Biology, Online conference
Contributed talk, Conference on Complex Systems 2019, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Contributed talk, IDDconf 2018: A Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics, Ambleside, Cumbria, UK
Contributed talk, ECMTB 2018: 11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Lisbon, Portugal
Contributed talk, SMB 2018: 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society of Mathematical Biology & the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology, Sydney, Australia
Contributed talk, Zeeman Institute Launch Event: Mathematical Challenges from the Life Sciences Workshop, University of Warwick, UK
Contributed talk, Conference on Complex Systems 2016, Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contributed talk, Contagion '16 Modeling of disease contagion processes (CCS'16 Satellite Meeting), Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contributed talk, Workshop - Stochastic models of the spread of disease and information on networks, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh, UK
Contributed talk, Student Conference on Complexity Science (SCCS) 2015, Granada, Spain
Contributed talk, Mathematical and Computational Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (MathCompEpi) 2015, Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy
Poster, Epidemics9 - Ninth International Conference on Infectious Disease, Bologna, Italy
Poster, Epidemics8 - Eighth International Conference on Infectious Disease, Online conference
Poster, Epidemics7 - Seventh International Conference on Infectious Disease, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Poster, Epidemics7 - Seventh International Conference on Infectious Disease, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Poster, SMB 2019: 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society of Mathematical Biology, Montréal, Canada
Poster, Epidemics6 - Sixth International Conference on Infectious Disease, Sitges, Spain
Poster, ECMTB 2016: 10th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Nottingham, UK
Poster, ECMTB 2016: 10th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Nottingham, UK
Poster, Epidemics5 - Fifth International Conference on Infectious Disease, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA
Poster, Ecological and Molecular modelling of infections (EMOTIONS) 2014, Lyon, France