Current Group Members
- Zak Ogi-Gittins (PhD), October 2021 - present. Working on reproduction number inference methodologies and modelling of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks in domestic poultry in the UK. Co-supervised by Robin Thompson.
- Phoebe Asplin (PhD), October 2022 - present. Working on modelling the impact of symptom severity on health economic outcomes. Co-supervised by Matt Keeling.
- Rachel Seibel (PhD), October 2022 - present. Working on how human behaviour influences pathogen dynamics during disease outbreaks. Co-supervised by Mike Tildesley.
- Elliot Vincent (PhD), October 2023 - present. Working on spatial and epidemiological modelling for wildlife and agricultural health. Co-supervised by Erin Gorisch, Matt Keeling and Stephen Parnell.
- Reanna Gregory (PhD), April 2024 - present. Working on assessing the risk levels posed by different potential pandemic influenza strains, bridging between lab-based virology work and mathematical epidemiology. The aim is to generate data that informs the modelling process and can support conclusions made in silico. Co-supervised by Craig Thompson.
- Fateen Yasir (PhD), August 2024 - present. Working on modelling, parameter inference and policy recommendations for measles. Co-supervised by Matt Keeling.
- Praise Ilechukwu (Data Science and Analytics for Health MSc), 2025. Co-supervised by Dan Hungerford.
- Dissertation: “Examining trends and inequalities in childhood pneumococcal vaccine uptake in England”.
- Lauren Adams (Masters in Public Health, University of Warwick), 2021.
- Dissertation: “Would it be cost effective to implement social distancing measures during the influenza season: An SEIR modelling approach”.
- Destination: PhD project at the Universtiy of Cambridge, working in epidemiology and modelling to support infant immunisation programmes.
- Alec Hodgson (MSc in Mathematics, University of Warwick), 2023. Working on modelling social contagion of smoking behaviour.
- Dissertation: “Evaluating the Suitability of a Social Contagion Framework to Model Smoking Habits”.
- Destination: Aurora Energy Research, Oxford.